Volunteering with Philly’s Vaccine Rollout and COVID-related Relief

Unless you work in a pharmacy or hospital, volunteer opportunities to help roll out the vaccine in Philly might not seem super apparent. BUT they exist and I’m trying to list them as I go.

  • Philadelphia Medical Reserve Corps – This group includes local volunteers to assist with public health emergencies as well as day-to-day tasks like health screenings and community education. They’ve existed long before the pandemic, but could use help from anyone with medical background OR not! If you register through THIS SITE select COVID Support and there is an option for COVID mass vaccination
  • Multilingual COVID19 Vaccine Champion – Imagine a census worker but in your own community, helping educate your neighbors about the vaccine. A Vaccine Champion is a trusted messenger trained to deliver accurate information about the vaccine to their peers. The COVID-19 Vaccine Champion training will be a 90-minute multilingual session that covers a variety of topics related to the COVID-19 vaccine. 
  • Black Doctors COVID19 Consortium – I’m BLOWN away by the grind of BDCC. They’ve done 24 hour vax-a-thons, serving the hardest hit communities in Philly. They could REALLY use your help.
  • MANNA – they’ve been feeding those with chronic illnesses for decades now, and they could really use your help these days.
  • Everybody Eats: A group of Philly chefs host this traveling food drive that lands in different neighborhoods to give out free meals and essentials. Follow Everybody Eats on social media to see where the next one will take place and sign up to volunteer.
  • Jewish Relief Agency: This organization uses volunteers to distribute pantry staples and fresh produce to 6,000 low-income people in the region. The food is kosher, but clients do not need to be Jewish to receive assistance. Sign up to volunteer.
  • PhilabundancePhilly’s hunger relief powerhouse distributes more than 24 million pounds of food a year to those in need with the help of a robust volunteer program. Get involved.
  • Sunday Breakfast Rescue Mission: This century-old organization serves those experiencing homelessness in Philadelphia by providing three meals a day to anyone in need. Get involved.

Happy to add more when I see them, but wanted to throw some opportunities out there to kick things off!

Leave me some love!